Senin, 26 Desember 2011

The Success Key of BlackBerry in Indonesia

Compared to all countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia does have the largest number of BlackBerry users. So what makes this phone so successful?

There are about three million BlackBerry subscribers in Indonesia. This figure is believed to still be growing along with the incessant activity of RIM's marketing partners in Indonesia. Indonesia itself has a mobile market with a rate of more than 180 million subscribers.

Behind the success of the BlackBerry was not spared from the habits of the users in Indonesia. It is utilized RIM to continue to aggressively promote their products.

"The people of Indonesia is fond of texting. So they get a better experience with the fuel features, email and social media. That's what makes the BlackBerry sold in Indonesia," said Francois Mahieu, Senior Director, Head of Product Management Asia Pacific Rim.

In addition, RIM also implement their various strategies such as building community, providing a diverse selection of products, or offer efficiency and durability of products that claimed to be the best in its class

Sharing Koneksi Internet Di Windows XP

Pada artikel tentang Local Area Network (LAN) kali ini, saya akan membahas tentang cara melakukan sharing (membagi) koneksi internet antara 2 buah komputer. Dengan membagi (sharing) koneksi internet, Anda dapat mengakses internet dengan 2 buah komputer secara bersama-sama dengan hanya 1 koneksi internet.

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Membuat Video Aplikasi pada ponsel

Di jaman sekarang ini perkembangan teknologi sangat pesat, banyak teknologi baru yang bermunculan. Tidak hanya komputer saja, ponsel pintar yang dulunya menjadi barang mewah sekarang sudah menjadi barang yang lumrah. Hal ini tidak lain karena harga ponsel pintar yang mulai

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